1. Kindertales Courses
  2. Administrator Onboarding 102

Enrollment Manager

The Kindertales Enrollment Manager is a key feature designed to help you effectively manage and forecast enrollments and full-time equivalent (FTE) at your center. This guide will take you through the steps to navigate and utilize this feature to maximize space and streamline operations.

Accessing the Enrollment Manager

Begin by selecting Enrollment from the left-hand sidebar on your Kindertales dashboard. This action will direct you to the enrollment manager page, where you can manage and view detailed information about the children enrolled at your center.

Understanding the Attendance Timeline

At the top of the enrollment manager page, you can set filters for the week, room, and program(s) you wish to view. Below these filters, you will find the attendance timeline, which is displayed as a line graph. This graph shows two key pieces of information:

  • Red Line: Represents the room capacity.
  • Blue Line: Indicates the actual number of children attending at those times.

The attendance timeline is crucial for determining when additional staff may be needed or when it might be possible to combine classrooms or reduce staff based on real-time attendance.

Viewing Current Enrollments

Below the attendance timeline, there is a table that lists the current enrollments based on your selected filters. This table provides comprehensive details including:

  • Names: The names of the children enrolled.
  • Program Names: The specific programs the children are enrolled in.
  • Attendance Grid: Shows the days children are enrolled, have single-day drop-offs, or registered absences for the current week.
  • Full-Time Equivalency (FTE): Displays the FTE for each child for the selected week.
  • Program Time: The schedule of the child within the program.
  • Child's Date of Birth and Age: Including the estimated graduation date.
  • Upcoming Changes: Any anticipated changes in the child’s enrollment status, such as transitioning to a new program or ending care.

Forecasting Future Enrollments

Beneath the current enrollment table, you will find the forecasting tables. Here, you can select a room and set up forecasts to anticipate any upcoming changes during the forecasted period, such as new enrollments or outgoing enrollments. This feature is especially useful for managing waitlists and notifying families when a spot becomes available.

Managing Child Enrollments

Changing a Child's Program

  1. Click on a child’s name in the enrollment table.
  2. Select Edit to access the modification screen, where you can update the child’s program, room, start and end times, estimated graduation date, and pricing tier.
  3. Change the program from the dropdown menu and click Continue.
  4. Fill in the new program's details, review the information, and click Submit.
  5. You have the option to review the child's billing details or close the pop-up after making changes.

Ending Care for a Child

  1. To end care for a child, click on their name and then select the End button.
  2. Specify the end date for the child’s program enrollment.
  3. Choose to end care outright or transfer the child to another location from the dropdown menu.

Upcoming Features

Please note that as of May 2024, we are developing the ability to pause a child's enrollment. We anticipate releasing this feature soon and recommend checking back for updates.


The Enrollment Manager is designed to enhance your ability to manage enrollments efficiently, ensuring your center operates smoothly and parents are well-informed about their children’s educational journey. By following this guide, you’ll be able to utilize this feature to its fullest potential, supporting the operational success of your center.