Adding Program Pricing to a Program

Efficient program pricing. Add pricing tiers effortlessly to programs

  1. Click Settings in the top right-hand corner
  2. Select the Programs tab
  3. In the Programs list, select the program name you want to add a pricing tier
  4. Scroll down below to the green section and the program you have selected will appear in the green title bar


  5. Click the add button to add a new pricing tier
  6. Fill out the required information:
    1. Description: Enter a description for the pricing. (E.g. days per week, full-time vs part-time, etc.)
    2. Period: Select the recurring pricing schedule on which Kindertales will automatically add this fee to the child’s account
    3. Period Type: Select Period Rate or Daily Rate. Period Rate allows you to set a fixed price for the whole period. Daily Rate allows you to set a price per day that will billed based on the child’s schedule. (e.g. A price of $50 per day for a child on a weekly schedule of 3 days would result in a $150 charge per week)
    4. Period/Daily Rate: Set the price for the period / day
    5. Single Day Price: Set a Single Day Price (if applicable, this is used by the additional day tool when adding drop-in care)
    6. Start & End Times: Select the start and end times for that program
    7. Max Scheduled Days: Set the maximum number of days per week a child is able to be enrolled into the program
    8. Schedule: Select the default days for this program, if applicable. It can also be left blank if that will be determined on a child-by-child basis. The default days will be limited by the Max Scheduled Days.
  7. Select Save & Add


Kindertales Tips

  • Single Day Prices are typically used for a part-time program (days per week is 4 or less) where the child is allowed to drop in on a day that they are not scheduled for.
  • The End Time will dictate when the timer for the grace period and/or the late pick-up fee will commence.  This can be overridden by adding a unique End Time on a child’s profile.