Blocking Off Days in CRM+ Tour Booking Calendar

Learn how to block off days in the booking calendar for holidays or school closures in CRM+

What's in this Article


Learn how to block off days in the booking calendar for holidays or school closures to prevent parents from booking tours during those times.

Accessing the Calendar

  1. Open CRM+
  2. Navigate to Calendar
  3. Switch to the Daily Calendar View for your location


Blocking Off a Day

  1. Switch the view from daily to Month
  2. Select the desired day to block off (e.g., July 4th, 2024)
  3. Click on the date and create an event with an appropriate title, for example "School is closed" or "July 4th Holiday"
  4. Set the event type to Other Event
  5. Block off the entire day by clicking All Day Event


Disabling Email Reminders

  1. Go to Automatic Email Reminders
  2. Unselect all reminder options to prevent notifications about the closure


Verifying the Blocked Day

  1. Save and close the event
  2. Check the Booking Calendar View to ensure the day is blocked off
  3. Confirm by viewing the publicly facing booking calendar to see that the date is unavailable for booking tours

By following these steps, you can easily block off days in your tour booking calendar, ensuring parents cannot book tours on holidays or school closure days.