Enrollment Process of Children

Step-by-step guidance on enrolling children into programs, managing fees, and payment arrangements in Kindertales

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Enrolling a Child From Your Pending List Into Their 1st Program 

  1. Navigate to Students in the main menu on the left.
  2. Click on the Pending tab.
  3. Find the child’s name on your Pending List and click the Enroll Now link.
  4. Enter the following information into the Programs & Pricing section by selecting the appropriate option from it’s drop-down menu
    • Program: The name of the program that this child is being enrolled into.
    • Room: The primary room for this child while in attendance at your center.
    • Pricing: The program fee and billing cycle that the family will be responsible to pay.
      Kindertales Tip: All options that appear in these drop-down menus were created in your account settings.  If the option you require is not visible you can add it by editing your existing account settings
  5. Enter the following information into the Important Dates & Schedules section
    • Start Date: The 1st day that this child will be attending this program.
    • First Recurring Charge: The date that your 1st program fee will be charged and will continue to be charged as per the billing cycle selected.  (e.g. If the monthly billing cycle has been selected and the First Recurring Charge is set to 01/01/2021,  this child’s program fee will be charged on that date and every 1st of the month following.)

      KindertaleTipThese charges will continue to be charged until:
      • The child’s care with the center is ended via the Enrollment Manager
      • The child’s billing cycle is edited via the Enrollment Manager (e.g. switching from monthly billing to weekly billing)
      • The child’s Next Charge Date is edited via the child’s Program age (e.g. switching from monthly billing on the 1st of every month to the 15th of every month)

    • Expected Graduation Date: The projected date that this child will be graduating to the next program. (eg. moving from Infant Program to Toddler Program)

      Note:  This field IS NOT required, however, the date that is entered here will be displayed in your Enrollment Manager which will help you with forecasting and managing your room capacities 
    • Start Time: This will default to the program’s start time, which has been loaded into your account settings.  You can edit this if the child is going to be regularly dropped off at a different time.
    • End Time: This will default to the program’s end time, which has been loaded into your account settings.  You can edit this if the child is going to be regularly picked up at a different time.

      Kindertales Tip: The time entered in this field will initiate the automated Late Pick Up Fee feature, if you have enabled it.

    • Days Attending: The days selected will default to the program’s weekly schedule, which has already been loaded into your account settings.  (eg. a 3 day program that runs every Monday, Wednesday, Friday).  If the program that the child is enrolling into does not have a set weekly schedule, you can customize the child’s schedule by checking the days that they will attend.

      Kindertales Tip: This weekly schedule will continue until you edit the program that this child is in or the days this child will be attending in your Enrollment Manager.
  6. Once you have confirmed that all the information entered is accurate, click the Save Program Button

    Kindertales Tip:
     If you HAVE NOT enabled the automated Enrollment Fee feature, your process of Creating a New Child Profile and Enrolling them into their 1st Program is now complete.  If you have, please proceed to step 7.

  7. A pop-up will now appear displaying the Enrollment Fees for this child based on the information previously loaded in your account settings.
  8. The charge date for these fees will default to today’s date. You can change this by editing the Charge Date field.
  9. If the Provide Option To Decline Fees feature is enabled in your account settings, this pop-up will ask you how you would like this child’s enrollment fees to be added to their account. (Note if the feature is not enabled in your account settings, this pop-up will only summarize the fees before automatically adding them to the child’s account.)
    • By selecting Yes  the enrollment fees displayed will be added to the child’s account on the date that you have indicated
    • By selecting No the enrollment fees displayed will not be added to the child’s account and you will have the ability to manually add the fees, if required.  if you would like to add the displayed enrollment fees to the child’s account, by selecting Yes to confirm the fee creations by selecting Yes or No before they are added to the child’s account.  If the feature is not enabled this pop-up will only display the fees that will automatically be added to the child’s account, without giving you the option to
  10. Click the Confirm Selection button.

    Kindertales Tip: It is recommended to keep the Provide Option To Decline Fees feature enabled until you are comfortable using the system.  This is the suggestion because once a charge is added to a child’s account, the only way to remove it is to void it.

Enrolling a Child Into Additional Programs

To prevent duplicate enrollments, Kindertales will only allow each child to be enrolled into the following: one (1) daytime program and/or one (1) before school program and/or one (1) after school program.  They are, however, able to be enrolled into as many custom programs as required.   

  1. Click Add Program
  2. Enter the requested information (The information required is the same as what was required when enrolling this child into their 1st program).

    Kindertales Tip: The billing cycle that was selected when enrolling this child into their 1st program must also be used for this program and any other additional programs that they will be enrolled into.  Kindertales will ensure that you select the same billing cycle by only providing you with the available dates in the First Recurring Charge field.  This rule also applies to any siblings that are being enrolled into Kindertales.

  3. Click the Save Program button.

Arranging Payment for This Child’s Program Fees

The purpose of arranging a payment is so that Kindertales knows who and how much to charge for each fee.  Once you set an arrangement on a child’s charge page, this arrangement will recur for all system generated charges, which include Program Fees, Late Fees and Additional Days until it is manually changed.  

Once you enroll a child into a program, the payment arrangement will be set to the primary parent paying 100% (The primary parent is the person whose information was used by Kindertales to import this child into the system.)

We understand that this is not always the case and therefore we provide multiple options to edit this:

  • Changing the person that will be responsible for 100% of this child’s program fees
    1. Click the Edit Arrangement button
    2. Select the new payer from the Payer drop-down menu.

      Kindertales Tip: Family members who have been granted the authorization to pay for this child will only appear in this drop-down menu if they have a Kindertales profile created and added to this child’s account.  It is recommended that you request that the Primary Parent creates all additional profiles, however, it is possible for you to create them on the Primary Parent’s behalf.

    3. Click the Update Program button
  • Split Payment between 2 or more family members
    1. Click the Edit Arrangement button.
    2. Click the Add Payer button.
    3. Select the secondary payer from the Payer drop-down menu.

      Kindertales Tip: Just like the scenario above, additional payers will only appear in this drop-down menu if they have a Kindertales profile created and added to this child’s account.  It is recommended that you request that the Primary Parent creates all additional profiles, however, it is possible for you to create them on the Primary Parent’s behalf.

    4. Click the Split by % button.
    5. Use the sliding scale to set how much each payer will be responsible for.
    6. Select Yes or No to enable the Auto Fee Split.

      Kindertales Tip: By selecting Yes to the Auto Fee Split, this split will also be applied to all system generated charges which includes: Program Fees, Late Fees, and Additional Days.  It will also take this split information and create an additional payer option that you can use for other manual miscellaneous charges being added to the account.

    7. Click the Confirm Split button.
    8. To split this program fee by more than two payers, continue to click the Add Payer button and repeat steps 4 – 7 as many times as required.
    9. Click the Update Program button.
  • Adding a recurring discount to a program fee
    1. Click Edit Arrangement.
    2. Under the payer that you would like to apply the discount to, click the Discount button.
    3. Select the Discount Type from the drop-down menu.
    4. If the discount selected has been pre-programmed into your account settings, that discount amount will appear and be deducted for the total program fee.  If the discount selected has not, enter the discount amount.
    5. Click Update Program
  • Adding a subsidy as a payer
    1. Click Edit Arrangement button.
    2. Click the Add Payer button.
    3. Select the subsidy from the Payer drop-down menu.

      Kindertales Tip: Available subsidies will only appear in this drop-down menu if they have been added to your account settings.

    4. Enter the amount that you will be receiving from the subsidy.
    5. Edit the amount(s) owed by the other payer(s) to reflect the deduction that the subsidy is covering.
    6. To add additional subsidies as payers, continue to click the Add Payer button and repeat steps 3 – 5 as many times as required.  Keep in mind that all split payments must total the full program fee amount.
    7. Select Update the Program

Kindertales Tip: The payment arrangement for each program that this child is enrolled into must be entered separately. To switch back and forth between this child’s programs, click the program name that you would like to view.

Adding Additional Charges to This Child’s Account

Sometimes, situations will present themselves where you have to add additional charges to a child’s account during the enrollment process.  Some of these scenarios include: a prorated program fee (the child started care with you halfway through a billing cycle), enrollment fees (if you have not automated them), fees that you have collected prior to Kindertales that you would like to report on.

  1. Click on the Charges tab.
  2. Enter the following information into the Apply Charge section
    • Charge To: Select who is paying for the charge
    • Schedule: Determine if you want this charge to happen once or recur over a period of time
    • Charge Date:
      • One Time: The date that the charge will be processed to the users online payment method if one is configured.  This date is also used to change the status to outstanding if it hasn’t been paid.
      • Recurring:
        • Starts On: The first date that this charge will be added to the account.  This date is also used to change its status to outstanding if it hasn’t been paid
        • Ends On: The last date that this charge will be added to the account.  This date is also used to change its status to outstanding if it hasn’t been paid.
    • Type: The debit type of the charge
    • Program & Room:
      • Program & Room: If you want to associate this charge to the Program and Room selected in order to run specific financial reports.
      • Unassigned: If you do not want to associate this charge to a specific Program and Room.
    • Amount: The amount of the charge.
    • Description: Enter a brief description about the charge.
  3. If a discount is required to be added to this charge:
    • Click the Discount button.
    • Select the Discount Type from the drop-down menu.
    • If the discount selected has been programmed into your account settings, that discount amount will appear and be deducted for the total program fee.  If the discount selected has not, enter the discount amount.
  4. Click Apply Charge

Editing and/or Voiding a Charge on This Child’s Account

  1. Click on the Charge tab.
  2. Scroll down and view the Charges section.

    Kindertales Tip: Within the Charges section you’ll find subcategories (e.g. Trans. ID, Applied, Paid, Payer, Debit Type, Program, Charge Description, Status, etc.).

  3. Under the Actions subcategory you’ll find the Void and Edit button.
    • Void: Allows the transaction to be voided. Once this action is completed, it cannot be undone.
    • Edit: Allows the transaction to be adjusted. May adjust the amount, the charge description, and the payer.

Receiving Offline Payments

  1. Click on the Charge tab.
  2. Scroll down and view the Charges section.

    Kindertales Tip: Within the Charges section you’ll find subcategories (e.g. Trans. ID, Applied, Paid, Payer, Debit Type, Program, Charge Description, Status, etc.).

  3. Under the Actions subcategory select the Payment button.
  4. Enter the following information into the Receive Payment section
    • Payment Method: Select payment method used.
    • Paid On: Select the date which the payment was received.
    • Amount: Enter the amount received.
    • Description: Enter a description.
  5. Review the entered data and then click Apply Payment.

Refunding Offline Payments 

  1. Click on the Charge tab.
  2. Scroll down and view the Charges section.

    Kindertales Tip: Within the Charges section you’ll find subcategories (e.g. Trans. ID, Applied, Paid, Payer, Debit Type, Program, Charge Description, Status, etc.).

  3. Under the Actions subcategory find the paid charge you wish to apply a refund and click the Refund button.
  4. Enter the following information into the Refund Payment section
    • Enter amount: Enter the refund amount.
    • Optional checkbox if you’d like to send notification email to parent.
  5. Review the entered data and then click Submit.