Fast User Switching in Kindertales for Classrooms

Kindertales for Classrooms allows you to quickly switch between staff user profiles on the same device

What's included in this article?

Part 1: Adding Additional Users to a Device

  1. Open the main menu and tap the fast user switching icon
  2. Tap the Add User button at the bottom of the page
  3. Have the user you want to add enter in their username and password information
  4. If the user has no PIN the app will ask them to create their PIN. This PIN can be used to switch user profiles more quickly or log back into the app as long as the users current session is still active.

    This also becomes your PIN for utilizing the Kindertales Check-In Station app

  5. The user is now added and their profile is the active one on the device


Part 2: Switching User Profiles

  1. Open the main menu and tap the fast user switching icon
  2. The user wishing to use the device should select their profile from the list. (See Part 1 if the user does not appear on this list)
  3. The user enters their PIN and their profile is now the active profile on this device


Part 3: Logging in to the App 

  1. Saved users on a device can now login into the app faster by tapping on the Login As An Existing User button from the login screen
  2. Select your profile from the list of existing users
  3. Enter your PIN or Password depending on the status login status of your session in the app


Part 4: Editing Your PIN

  1. Open the main menu and tap select Settings and select Update my PIN
  2. Enter your password and follow the wizard for setting up a new PIN.

    This also becomes your PIN for utilizing the Kindertales Check-In Station app
