Manage penalty charges for NSF payments, control retry limits, and child app visibility in your childcare center's settings
Configuring NSF Settings
- Navigate to
- Settings
- Billing
- To use the NSF Penalty feature
- Change the toggle to ON
- You can specify an NSF penalty charge amount that will get created each time the user is charged and an NSF is returned.
- You can also set a limit on how many times the user can return NSF before the system disables AutoPay for that users. At that point the charge must be retried manually by a staff member or the user.
- If you wish for the children associated to the payer to not show in Kindertales for Classrooms when the NSF limit is reached, click the checkbox.
Reviewing Current NSF Events
- Click Billing Tools in the main menu
- If there are any active NSF events a tile called NSF Tracking will be displayed showing the current number of payers with NSFs and the total amount of NSF charges. Click the Details link on this tile to see more information regarding the payers and amounts.
- The NSF Tracker details window will show the date for the most recent NSF for a payer as well as the amount and their current NSF Count (when the count limit is reached the number will be in red)
- If the payer has reached the NSF count limit (in the example below the limit is 2), AutoPay will be disabled and needs to be manually re-enabled here or by the parent in their billing portal. This will attempt the charge again at midnight. Parents can also use the Pay Now feature in their billing portal to manually attempt the charge again at any time.
NSF Alert
The Dashboard for Staff will receive an alert if a payer reaches the NSF limit