How to Create a Child Incident, Accident, or Illness Report

Easily create IAI reports in the Kindertales Classroom app

Creating Incident Reports

  1. From the Classroom screen select a child by tapping on their icon
  2. Open the Action Menu in the bottom right corner and tap on Reports and select Incident Report
  3. Fill out the form, all questions are required
  4. For a report to be considered complete it must be signed by the teacher, director and parent

Parents can only sign the form on the staff member’s device for security and authentication purposes.


Creating Accident and Illness Reports

  1. From the Classroom screen select a child by tapping their icon
  2. Open the Action Menu in the bottom right corner
  3. Tap Reports
  4. Tap Accident / Illness Report
  5. Fill out the form, all questions are required

For a report to be considered complete it must be signed by the teacher, director and parent. Parents can only sign the form on the staff member’s device for security and authentication purposes.
