1. Kindertales Courses
  2. Classroom App Onboarding

Lesson 1: Introduction and Basic Navigation

Getting Started with the Kindertales Classroom App

Familiarize yourself with the app's interface and learn the essential steps for beginning your day in the digital environment.

The dashboard is your control center, providing immediate access to crucial functionalities like room check-ins and child monitoring, facilitating efficient management right from the start.


  1. Log In

    • Use the email and password provided during your onboarding with a Kindertales representative.
    • Click Sign In to securely access your dashboard.
  2. Initial Room Check-In

    • Upon logging in, immediately check into a room to be added to the staff-to-child ratio, which is continuously monitored by your director or administrative team for compliance and safety.
    • If you're not ready to check into a room, click Cancel. You can check in later through the check-in menu option.
  3. Dashboard Familiarization

    • The dashboard displays circles representing each child in your room, potentially including their photos for easy identification.
    • The main menu (three horizontal lines in the top left) provides high-level summaries of your room. The action menu (plus sign in the bottom right) is where you'll manage daily activities.
    • Quick links for health, messages, reports, and checklists are accessible for fast navigation.