1. Kindertales Courses
  2. Classroom App Onboarding

Lesson 6: Action Menu - Milestones

Documenting Developmental Progress

Learn how to track and record significant developmental milestones for each child using the action menu, enhancing communication with parents about their child’s progress.

Milestones are crucial markers of a child's development according to the curriculum established by your center. This lesson teaches you how to use the app to record these important events effectively.



  1. Accessing Milestones

    • Navigate to an individual child’s profile via the dashboard.
    • Select Milestones from the action menu to begin documenting developmental progress.
  2. Recording a Milestone

    • Choose the child’s age group to ensure the milestones are age-appropriate.
    • Select the specific category and milestone you wish to document.
    • Choose the indicator that best represents the child's progress (e.g., attempted or achieved).
  3. Documenting with Media

    • To enhance the milestone record, you can add a photo or video.
      • Click the camera icon within the milestone entry.
      • Take a new picture or select one from your gallery to visually document the milestone.
      • Add notes related to the milestone; these notes will be internal and not visible to families.
  4. Notifying Parents

    • Upon recording a milestone, a notification is automatically sent to the parent, keeping them informed about their child’s progress.
  5. Generating Reports

    • Kindertales can generate a report card-style document that includes all notes and pictures related to the milestones.
    • This report can be provided to families during conferences, offering a comprehensive overview of the child’s development over a period.