1. Kindertales Courses
  2. Classroom App Onboarding

Lesson 8: Action Menu - Messaging

Effective Communication with Families via Messaging

Learn to utilize the messaging center within the app to send updates and communicate effectively with parents, ensuring all messages are properly directed and documented.

This lesson covers how to use the messaging feature in the action menu to send email-type messages to families, focusing on the operational procedures and considerations for effective communication.



  1. Accessing the Messaging Center

    • Open the action menu and select the Messaging option to start the communication process.
  2. Selecting Recipients

    • Choose the children for whom you need to send a message. You can select one child for individual messages or multiple children for broader communications.
    • The names of the selected children will appear in the 'to' field, indicating who will receive the message.
  3. Composing the Message

    • Messages are sent to the primary email address associated with the child's profile. This ensures that communications are directed to the correct recipient.
    • In the 'from' field, the classroom is listed instead of an individual staff member’s email. This approach maintains continuity in communication and ensures that any staff member checked into the room can view the response, preventing any messages from being overlooked.
  4. Sending the Message

    • Fill out the subject line and compose your message in the message field.
    • Click Send to dispatch your message. This ensures that all relevant parties are kept informed, enhancing the communication chain between the daycare and families.
  5. Director and Admin Team Involvement

    • If a message needs to be sent to an additional user or modified in a way that staff members cannot do from the app, the director or admin team must complete this action from their desktop portal. This level of control helps maintain the integrity and security of communications.