Visualize Enrollment data for your center in one convenient location
Quickly see a dashboard of your Enrollment data for a specific time period. You're able to filter by Room and Location using the blue dropdown filters in the top right corner or by clicking on a room in the bottom left bar chart. Right click on the tiles to drill through and find more detailed information. The slideshow below shows example of drill through data.
- The Current Roster drill through lists the current roster by student using your current filters
- The New Starts drill through lists all students with a start date within the next week or month
- The End of Care drill through lists all students ending care within the next week or month
- The Room Change drill through lists all students with a room change within the next week or month
- The Program Change drill through lists all students with a program change within the next week or month
- The Schedule Change drill through lists all students with a schedule change within the next week or month