Visualize Full Time Equivalency for your center in one convenient location
Quickly see a dashboard of your Full Time Equivalency for a specific time period. You're able to sort by Location, FTE, and Daily Average FTE. Use the .1 / .2, .25 / .5 / 1, and .5 / 1 toggles to switch between FTE calculation models.

Click on a location then click FTE or Capacity Weekly Details to drill through and find more detailed information. You can also right click a location and click Drill through. From the Weekly Details drill through, you can review FTE and Capacity on a daily basis. You can filter by Location, Room Type, Program Type, and Week.
Click on a location then click FTE or Capacity Location Details to drill through and find more detailed information. You can also right click a location and click Drill through. From the Location Details drill through, you can review FTE and Capacity by Room. You can filter by Location, Room Type, Program Type, and Week.
Click on a room then click FTE Room Details to drill through and find more detailed information. From the FTE by Room drill through, you can review FTE for individual children in the room you drilled through.