Power BI: Status Change Report

Visualize every status change for your center in one convenient location

Quickly see a dashboard of your upcoming Status Changes for a specific time period. You're able to click on each widget and filter by location, date, and age group. The video above demonstrates these filters as well as the right-clicking drill through functionality of each tile.


Right-click to drill through on the New Starts tile to see any children whose start date is lands within your filter dates.


Right-click to drill through on the Pending tile to see any children in the Pending status in your site.


Right-click to drill through on the Archived & Transfers Out tile to see any children in the Archived status as well as any Transfers Out and Planned Transfers Out.


Right-click to drill through on the Room Change, Program Change, or Schedule Change tiles to see any children with an upcoming room, program, or schedule changes.




Right-click to drill through on the Drop Ins tile to see any drop ins within your specified date range.


Right-click to drill through on the Transfer tile to see any upcoming Transfers In and Planned Transfers In.
