CRM Overview

Learn about the Kindertales CRM feature


Kindertales provides a CRM for tracking the status of and communicating with customer leads. In addition our CRM Conversion report allows you to quickly review your leads and visualize them using a variety of filters.

This article is a broad overview of the CRM system. For details on performing specific functions in the CRM please search the knowledge base or click here to view all CRM related articles.

Inquiry List

Selecting CRM in the main menu will take you to the main inquiry list where you can at a glance see the following information:

  1. Customer and child names, child date of birth, date the CRM inquiry was created, the requested start date and if the child has an existing sibling
  2. Who created the inquiry record. This could be a staff member or a parent depending where and how the inquiry form was completed.
  3. The Owner column indicates which staff member is responsible for the particular lead.
  4. The Stage column displays what stage the record is at in the inquiry process. (Inquiry, Tour Scheduled, Nurturing, Waitlist, Enrolled, Opportunity Lost)
  5. The Awaiting Reply column will display a date and time if the last communication came from the parent so you can stay on top of replying back.
  6. The Tour column will indicate if a tour has been scheduled or attended.
  7. The App column indicates if an application has been sent or completed.
  8. The Enroll column allows you to quickly enroll the CRM record as a full profile in Kindertales. Note: Inquiry records that are enrolled move to the Won tab.
  9. The Print and Delete columns allow you to print or delete the CRM record.


  10. For more information on reviewing the details of an Inquiry entry click here.

Waitlist, Won and Lost Lists

Changing the stage of a CRM record to Waitlist, Enrolled, or Opportunity Lost will move that record from the Inquiry list to the corresponding list based on the stage.

  1. When changing the stage to Enrolled or Opportunity Lost you will be required to provide a brief description on how the lead was won or lost.


  2. Changing the stage to Enrolled requires that the inquiry is then fully enrolled in Kindertales. If the enrollment is not completed the inquiry will revert to its previous stage.

CRM Conversion Report

Select Analytics in the main menu and choose CRM Conversion Report from the Marketing Reports list.

  1. The filter area allows you to customize a number of parameters related to your CRM records.
  2. Click Generate to create the report.
  3. The Search box allows you to search the on screen report on the fly for any specific data.
