Enable Ability to Auto-Generate Enrollment Fees

This article will show you how to enable the ability to have your Enrollment Fees automatically generated when signing a child up to their first program

Enable the Auto Generate Enrollment Fees option

  1. Click Settings at the top of the screen and select Programs from the settings sub menu
  2. Select the program you wish to enable the Auto Generate Fees option for
  3. Click the drop down beside the Enrollment Fees label and select Auto Generate Fees On First Program Sign-Up
  4. Provide option to decline creating fees will be ON by default. This gives the user the option not to create the fees during the program sign-up process. If you would like to force the fees to be created, deselect the checkbox
  5. Click Update & Save. Repeat this process for the programs that you want enrollment fees automatically generated for.


To see what the auto generated fee experience is like when enrolling a child in their first program click here.