Lesson 10: Settings - CRM

Customize CRM forms to streamline inquiries and applications

What's in this article

The CRM tab within Kindertales' Settings allows you to tailor your customer relationship management tools to better interact with prospective families. By customizing your Inquiry and Application forms, you can efficiently gather important information and seamlessly integrate new inquiries into your system.

Customize Forms:

  • Inquiry Forms: Design these forms to collect preliminary information from potential families. Add custom fields to capture essential details as needed by your center.
  • Application Forms: These are more detailed and can be used to gather comprehensive data necessary for enrolling a child into your daycare center. Ensure that you include all required fields to comply with your operational and regulatory requirements.2024-04-12_at_09.04.05_Screenshot

Application Fee:

  • Global Fee Management: Set and adjust the default application fee for all locations. Options to change or waive these fees are available for individual location flexibility.

  • Regional Customization: Implement a State/Province Blacklist to exempt certain regions from application fees, catering to local regulations and policies.

  • Fee to Credit Conversion: Opt to convert application fees into credits for the primary parent, adding value to the enrollment process.

  • Location-Specific Fees: Manage application fees for specific locations allowing for tailored financial arrangements based on regional requirements.2024-04-12_at_09.04.35_Screenshot

Referral Channels:

  • Customization: Configure how families reporting discovering your daycare by customizing options in the "How did you hear about us?" dropdown on the inquiry form.
  • Channel Management: Add or remove referral channels to capture accurate data on your marketing efforts and community outreach.
  • Unified Application: These settings apply across all locations, ensuring consistent data collection organization-wide.2024-04-12_at_09.04.54_Screenshot

Embed Settings:

  • Embedding on Website: You can embed the customized forms directly onto your daycare’s website, providing easy access for prospective families.
  • Direct Links: Alternatively, generate a link to the form that can be shared via email or social media. This flexibility allows you to reach a broader audience.

Switch between Inquiry and Application form embed settings using the dropdown at the top of the page.


Lead Management:

  • Assignment and Targets: Assign lead ownership and set monthly CRM targets for each location.
  • Goal Tracking: Establish clear objectives for your team by defining lead conversion goals, helping to focus efforts on enrollment growth.2024-04-12_at_09.06.31_Screenshot

Integration with CRM:

  • Once submitted, these forms automatically populate new inquiries in the Kindertales CRM, initiating the enrollment process.
  • This integration ensures that no potential lead is lost and that your team can begin correspondence with interested families promptly.

Further Learning:

  • For a more comprehensive understanding of how the CRM features can benefit your daycare, check out the CRM section of our Knowledge Base. These resources provide valuable insights into maximizing the use of CRM tools to enhance family engagement and streamline administrative processes.

By effectively utilizing the CRM settings in Kindertales, your center can enhance its engagement with prospective families, ensuring a smooth transition from inquiry to enrollment.