Lesson 7: Settings - Forms

Customize, create, and manage forms for parents and teachers in Kindertales

What's in this article

The Forms section within Kindertales' settings is a powerful feature that allows for the customization and management of various forms essential for your daycare's operation. This area ensures you have the necessary tools to gather and manage information from families and staff efficiently.

Form Control:

  • Access Control: Determine whether parents or teachers can access each form, tailoring form availability to suit your center's needs.
  • Enrollment Form: This crucial form is completed by families upon their initial login to Kindertales. It collects comprehensive information about each child, integrating it directly into the app for easy access and management.2024-04-11_at_14.28.54_Screenshot

Form Builder:

  • Customization: Utilize the Form Builder tab to create custom forms or digitize existing paper forms your center currently uses. This flexibility allows for a seamless transition to digital record-keeping.
  • Expert Assistance: A Kindertales expert is available to assist in creating any custom forms from your center’s existing paperwork, ensuring your unique requirements are met within the digital environment.2024-04-11_at_14.30.08_Screenshot

The first element on the form must be a header and will serve as the name of the form.


  • Vaccination Control: The immunization tab provides a centralized location to manage vaccination tracking for the children in your care. Select which vaccinations to track and rely on the system to alert teachers when a child's vaccination is overdue, enhancing health and safety protocols within your center.2024-04-11_at_14.31.49_Screenshot

Form Status:

  • Report Generation: The Form Status tab enables the generation of reports to monitor form completion across your center. Filter by classroom, child, or enrollment status to obtain a clear view of who has or has not filled out a particular form, ensuring all necessary information is up-to-date and accessible.2024-04-11_at_14.33.06_Screenshot

IAI and Medication Forms:

The IAI (Incident, Accident, Illness) and Medication tabs within Kindertales' Settings offer specialized functionalities for customizing crucial forms related to child safety and health.

  • IAI Forms: These forms are integral for daycare staff to document any incidents, accidents, or illnesses that occur within the center. Customization options ensure that the forms meet the specific needs and reporting requirements of your daycare. Staff can fill out these forms digitally, ensuring timely and accurate documentation of any events or health issues that arise.

  • Medication Forms: This tab allows for the customization of medication authorization forms that parents fill out. It ensures that all necessary information is provided for the safe administration of medication to children in care. By customizing the medication form, daycare centers can make sure that they are in compliance with regulations and best practices for medication management.

Both tabs play a vital role in maintaining the safety and well-being of children in the daycare setting. Check out Customizing Forms in Kindertales for a more comprehensive guide. This resource provides detailed instructions and best practices for tailoring these essential forms to your center's unique requirements.


By leveraging the Forms settings in Kindertales, your daycare center can efficiently manage vital information, from enrollment details to health records, ensuring both compliance and convenience.