Lesson 3: Settings - Location Info

Configure location-specific details settings in Kindertales

What's in this article


The Location Info tab is an essential part of configuring your Kindertales account to suit your childcare center's needs. This section allows you to customize and manage specific details related to each location within your organization.

Accessing the Location Info Tab

To access the Location Info tab, navigate to the Settings section of your Kindertales account. From there, click on the Location Info tab.


Managing Location Information

In the Location Info tab, you'll find fields to input and update all pertinent information related to the selected location. Utilize the green dropdown tab in the left main menu to toggle between different locations if your organization has multiple branches.


Key Features

  1. Upload Your Handbook: This feature enables you to upload your center's handbook directly within Kindertales, making it easily accessible to staff and parents.

  2. Setting Timezone: Ensure that your location's timezone is accurately set to reflect the local time, which is crucial for scheduling and communication purposes.

  3. Functionality Toggles:

    • Check-In/Out Signature: Toggle this feature on to require families to provide a digital signature within the Check-In Station when checking children in and out.
    • Outbound Comms: Disable this option to prevent automated emails from being sent to families from Kindertales, offering greater control over communication channels.
    • CRM Inquiry and CRM Application: These toggles determine whether the location will appear in the embedded Application and Inquiry forms on your website, streamlining the enrollment process.

By effectively utilizing the Location Info tab, you can ensure that each branch of your childcare center is accurately represented and configured within the Kindertales platform, optimizing communication and management processes.