The Meal Planner Settings section is where you control Menu Types, Meal Times, How it Went options and set control for staff members to be able to submit a typed meal entry via the Kindertales for Classrooms app.
Note: The location lock at the top of the Settings page allows you to configure the Meal Planning system to apply to all locations or allow you to configure each location individually.
Menu Types
The menu types settings allow you to offer various different menus (No Restrictions, Vegetarian, Vegan, etc). By default we include a No Restrictions menu and a Vegetarian menu.
- Select "Meal Planning" in the main menu and then select "Settings"
- Click on an existing menu type to edit its name or description.
- Click "Add Menu Type" to add another menu type to the system.
Meal Times
The meal time settings allow you to configure the meals you offer and at what times of day they take place. The Kindertales for Classrooms App will always default to the closest scheduled meal to save your staff time.
Note: You can leave the time period empty to force a meal to be manually selected by the staff and not loaded automatically in classroom app.
- Select "Meal Planning" in the main menu and then select "Settings"
- Click "Add Meal Time" to a meal and time to the system
- Click on an existing meal to edit the name, time or description.
How it Went
The "How it Went" settings allow you to default in descriptions of how the meal was received by the child. Kindertales defaults some options that you can remove or edit.
- Select "Meal Planning" in the main menu and then select "Settings"
- Click "Add How it Went" to add another "How it Went" option
- Click on an existing "How it Went" to edit or remove the option. Some options are required defaults cannot be removed but can be renamed.
General Options – Allow Typed Answers
The allow typed answers toggle controls if your staff are able to type in a custom meal description when browsing the pantry in the Kindertales for Classrooms app.
Note: When no meals or pantry items have been configured the Kindertales for Classrooms app defaults to a typed entry to allow you to record meals if you have not yet configured Meal Planning.
- Select "Meal Planning" in the main menu and then select "Settings".
- Toggle the "Allow Typed Answers" on or off based on your preference.
Next Steps
Please continue on by reading Meal Planning – Part 3 – Menu Management.