The Meal Planning system includes 2 Enrollment Form questions for parents to specify their child's dietary restrictions and provide more details. Learn more about the Enrollment Form Dietary Restrictions questions.
Dietary Restrictions Questions
- Select a child and browse to their enrollment form.
- The dietary restrictions questions can be found under the "Diet, Allergies and Health" section.
- The "Dietary Restriction" drop down will display all the menu types configured in Meal Planning Settings.
- An additional text field is available labeled "Additional Diet Information:" where parents can provide more context.
What do these questions do?
The answers to both questions are displayed on the child profile page and included in the printed versions of the enrollment form and emergency contact card.
In the Kindertales for Classrooms app the selected restriction type will control which menus, meals and food items are available to be recorded for the child as well as display their dietary restrictions on screen when recording a meal.
Next Steps
Please continue on by reading Meal Planning Part 6 Classroom App – Meal and Drink Daily Activities