Lesson 12: Your First Billing Cycle

Ensure seamless billing with proactive steps and resources

Initiating your first billing cycle with Kindertales can be streamlined into a straightforward process by following these essential steps:

Step 1: Importing Data:

Kick off by populating Kindertales with all the necessary child profiles using the import template. This sets the stage for accurate billing based on up-to-date information.

Step 2: Enrollment and Program Assignment:

Proceed to enroll each child in their designated programs. Although a single charge date isn't required, understanding the initial charge date for any group of families allows the center to prioritize communications effectively.

Step 3: Communicating Deadlines:

It's important to inform families about the upcoming charge dates and encourage them to add their payment methods beforehand. Position this date as a critical deadline for ensuring a seamless billing process.

  • Pro-Tip: Use the bulk activation message to highlight the imminent charge date, enhancing the clarity of your communications with families.

Step 4: Ensuring Compliance:

Proactively follow up with families to confirm the addition of their payment methods, a crucial step for uninterrupted billing. To support this process, Kindertales provides exceptional resources designed to assist families:

  • Knowledge Base Article: Encourage families to visit our comprehensive guide, Adding and Verifying Your Bank Account, which offers a detailed and user-friendly explanation of the setup process. This valuable resource ensures that parents can confidently and independently manage their payment information.

  • In-App Guidance: For hands-on support, our intuitive in-app guide is accessible via the "Show me how" button on the payment methods page. This convenient tool provides an on-the-spot visual tutorial, leading parents through each step of the payment method entry process. It's an example of Kindertales’ commitment to making user experience as smooth and supportive as possible.

Step 5: Automatic Billing Management:

With all preparations in place, Kinderpay will manage the billing cycle, from initiating charges to processing payments—efficiently and reliably. This automation supports your center's financial management without the need for manual intervention.

By adhering to these steps, your daycare will be well-equipped to manage the first billing cycle, paving the way for effective ongoing financial administration.